
If you are interested in our company or products, welcome to our company to inspect the site, you can also call for consultation, our business manager will wholeheartedly choose products and solutions for you, so that you can get satisfactory services and value-for-money products

Contact Us


Address: No. 11, Changchun Road, Zhengzhou, China

European, Africa, Middle East: Mr Orlando 0086-18839789604

Russia :Юй хан 0086-13838567340

Asia, America: Miss Leticia 0086-18836690115

20 years of industry experience more professional service

Henan Shanky Machinery Co.Ltd. is a company specializing in the production of mining machinery and equipment. We are committed to providing global customers with better quality mining machinery products and perfect services. Customer satisfaction is our standard to measure all work, and customer trust is our goal.


Consult and reply immediately


Delivery to factory for installation


Consult and reply immediately


Complete delivery and put into operation

If you are interested in our company or products, you can leave a message below and we will reply you in time.

©2021 Henan Shanky Machinery Co.Ltd.


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